
Elden Ring announced that its first DLC Shadow of the Erdtree is currently under development!

Elden Ring announced that its first DLC Shadow of the Erdtree is currently under development!

FROMSOFTWARE made a sudden announcement that they are currently working on the first DLC for its popular open-world game Elden Ring. More details on the DLC titled Shadow of the Erdtree will be unveiled in the future. Judging from the visual image that has been released, it might be telling the story of Miquella.

Elden Ring is a dark open-world RPG game developed by FROMSOFTWARE, led by Hidetaka Miyazaki, and co-created with George R.R. Martin, the author of A Song of Ice and Fire. In the game, players will explore the mythical story of this vast land, face a series of difficult challenges, and uncover the unknown secrets behind it. By the way, the game won several awards at TGA 2022, including Game of the Year, Best Art Direction, Best RPG, and Best Game Direction.


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