The story of Anonymous;Code takes place in 2037, as the protagonist, Pollon Takaoka, who lives in Nakano Ward, Tokyo, meets a mysterious girl named Momo. He becomes embroiled in various conspiracies and eventually decides to step up to face a major event that shakes the entire world. By using an application called "Save & Load" on his device, he can save data and start over just like in video games. Explore the countless possibilities of reality and "load" the outcome that saves the world!
Gamicsoft is a tech company that promotes e-sport and gaming culture. We keep gamers updated with all the most relevant information from PC games, console games, mobile games, e-sport, anime, and more. Besides that, our forum provides a social community to enable gamers to exchange experiences. We strive to continuously experiment, explore, and build a culture of collaboration.
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