The iyashikei manga series Natsume's Book of Friends, created by Japanese manga artist Yuki Midorikawa, had its sixth season of the TV anime released in 2017, followed by a theatrical film in 2021. Recently, the production for the seventh season of the TV anime has been announced, with a PV and a 15th-anniversary visual released to celebrate this occasion. However, the official broadcast date for the upcoming season has not yet been revealed.
The story of Natsume's Book of Friends revolves around Takashi Natsume, a high school student with the ability to perceive supernatural beings that others cannot see. After inheriting the Book of Friends from his grandmother, Reiko, Takashi starts experiencing encounters with various yokai. Through a series of events, Takashi learns that his grandmother also possessed the same ability, which led to her being feared and isolated by others. Reiko challenged many yokais and made them submit to her upon their defeat. Upon discovering the truth, Takashi resolves to dissolve the contracts in the Book of Friends. As he sets out to release the youkai Reiko had sealed, his relationships with both supernatural beings and humans gradually start to improve.