SPY×Family is a popular animated series that tells the story of a top spy codenamed "Twilight" in the Western country who is ordered to investigate a politician named Desmond in the Eastern country. The best way to get close to this reclusive person is to send his "own child" to Eden Academy, a prestigious school in the East, and attend the school's parent-teacher conference, where Desmond's son is a student and the only occasion where he publicly appears. In order to carry out the mission, Twilight must form a family and become "father" Lloyd, along with "wife" Yor and "daughter" Anya. However, he is unaware that Anya is actually a psychic with mind-reading abilities, and Yor, who appears gentle and kind, has another identity as a killer called "Thorn Princess". The three of them hide their true identities from each other and temporarily form a false family life.
- Original creator: Tatsuya Endo
- Director: Kazuhiro Furuhashi
- Character designs: Kazuaki Shimada
- Music producer: (K)NoW_NAME
- Studio: WIT STUDIO×CloverWorks
- Loid Forger: Takuya Egushi
- Yor Forger: Saori Hayami
- Anya Forger: Atsumi Tanezaki