The story of Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You revolves around Sawako Kuronuma, who is nicknamed "Sadako" due to her gloomy appearance, leading others to distance themselves from her. She has grown accustomed to people avoiding her, hence she admires Shouta Kazehaya, the one person who accepts her for who she is. With the care and support from her classmates, including Shouta, Ayane, Chizuru, and Ryuu, Sawako gradually starts to change. The series explores Sawako's journey of discovering friendship and love, as well as various heartwarming and youthful stories set in a high school environment.
- Original by: Karuho Shiina
- Studio: Production I.G
- Shouta Kazehaya: Daisuke Namikawa
- Sawako Kuronuma: Mamiko Noto