The TV anime adaptation of the superhero manga series SHY, created by Japanese manga artist Bukimi Miki, recently revealed a brand-new trailer and additional voice cast information. Notable voice actors such as Mutsumi Tamura and Miyuki Sawashiro are confirmed to join the anime's voice cast lineup. The anime is scheduled to begin airing on October 2, 2023, with Masaomi Andou serving as the director, series composition by Yasuhiro Nakanishi, and production handled by 8BIT.
According to Yen Press' descrition of the manga:
Earth was on the brink of a third World War when super-powered individuals came forth from each country around the globe, ending the conflict and ushering in a new era of relative peace. Among those heroes, Japan is represented by a timid young girl known as “Shy.” She may spend more time worrying about her own shortcomings than she does battling villains, but she’ll show the world that despite it all she still has the heart of a hero!
- Original by: Bukimi Miki
- Directed by: Masaomi Andou
- Series composed by: Yasuhiro Nakanishi
- Characters designed by: Risa Takai & Akihiro Sueta
- Studio: 8BIT
- Shy / Teru Momijiyama: Shino Shimoji
- Iko Koishikawa: Nao Touyama
- Ebio: Tomikazu Sugita
- Spirits: Mamiko Noto
- Lady Black: Sayumi Suzushiro
- Stardust: Shinichirou Miki
- Mian Long: Ayumu Murase
- Stigma: Mutsumi Tamura
- Tzveta: Miyuki Sawashiro
- Kufufu: Rina Hidaka