The manga series A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! created by Mai Tanaka, which has been serialized in Monthly GFantasy since 2014, has officially announced a TV anime adaptation. The anime is scheduled to air in 2024, although details about the production team, voice cast, and specific broadcast dates have not been revealed at this time. It's worth noting that the anime's release coincides with the tenth-anniversary of the manga series' serialization.
According to Yen Press' description of the manga series,
Rookie teacher Haruaki Abe is as cowardly as they come. It’s hard enough for him to handle human students without whimpering-and now he’s going to be teaching at a school full of monsters?! It’s a classroom of horrors for Haruaki, as his mischievous students use every means at their disposal to prank him! Will this poor teacher be able to get his group of ghouls under control, or is this class destined for failure?