
Chibi Rider! “SD Shin Kamen Rider Rumble” set to be released on April 27

Chibi Rider! “SD Shin Kamen Rider Rumble” set to be released on April 27

“SD Shin Kamen Rider Rumble”, a side-scrolling action game based on the upcoming movie “Shin Kamen Rider”, will be released in South East Asia for Nintendo Switch / Steam on April 27, 2023. The game’s Japanese version will be released on March 23.

“SD Shin Kamen Rider Rumble” is a side-scrolling action game presented in SD-style. Players can experience the battles between Kamen Rider and the evil organization SHOCKER through non-stop actions. In the game, players could acquire items that could be used to enhance the player’s Kamen Rider in order to face stronger bosses.


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