The romantic comedy manga series Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsura Sugiru ("The Dialect of the Girl I Fell in Love With in Okinawa is too Difficult to Deal With"), which gained popularity after being released by creator Egumi Sora on Twitter in 2019 and was subsequently serialized on the Shinchosha webcomic platform Kurage Bunch in 2020, has announced its upcoming TV anime adaptation. However, information about the production team and broadcast date have not been revealed as of yet.
The story of Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsura Sugiru revolves around Teruaki Nakamura, a high school boy who transfers from Tokyo to Okinawa. He falls for a girl named Hina Kyna, but the challenge arises when he realizes that she speaks only in the Okinawan dialect, which he can't understand. Teruaki seeks help from Hina's friend, Kana Higa, to translate for him. However, unexpectedly, Kana also develops feelings for Teruaki. Thus, a love triangle unfolds, with "typical situations found in Okinawa" as the backdrop of their story!