
Hades to make its iOS debut on Netflix in 2024!

Hades to make its iOS debut on Netflix in 2024!

In recent years, Netflix has been continuously expanding its gaming business, collaborating with various game companies to launch a variety of mobile games. Most recently, the official announcement reveals a partnership with Supergiant Games, planning to bring its critically acclaimed title Hades to the iOS platform in 2024.


Hades is a roguelike action RPG where you'll take on the role of Zagreus, the son of Hades, and attempt to leave the Underworld for Mount Olympus. Throughout the journey, you will receive assistance from other Olympians, utilizing the power of Mount Olympus and mythical weapons to escape the clutches of the God of the Dead. Prepare to face various challenging trials, engage in a series of battles to grow stronger, unlock new weapons and abilities, and ultimately uncover more of the story with each unique escape attempt.



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