Originally written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi, the TV anime adaptation of the shonen manga series Dr. Stone, which began serialization on Weekly Shonen Jump in 2017, has released a new PV for its third season, titled Dr. Stone: New World. It is confirmed that the anime will premiere in April 2023 and will be split into two parts.
In 2019 AD, a sudden mysterious flash turns almost all humans into stone, leaving them petrified for 3,700 years. In April 5738, a 15-year-old genius named Senku Ishigami wakes up to find himself in a world devoid of all traces of human civilization. Determined to discover the cause of the event and find a cure, Senku sets up a base camp and studies the petrified humans. His friend Taiju Oki wakes up over the next six months, as he discovers that nitric acid was core to their revival. With this newfound knowledge, they develop a compound that can quickly revive others. They start off by reviving Tsukasa Shishio, a famous high school martial artist, and Yuzuriha Ogawa, their classmate and also Taiju's crush. Together, they aim to rebuild civilization through science.
- Original by: Riichiro Inagaki & Boichi
- Directed by: Shuhei Matsushita
- Written by: Yuichiro Kido
- Character designed by: Yuuko Iwasa
- Studio: TMS Entertainment
- Senku Ishigami: Yuusuke Kobayashi
- Ryusui Nanami: Ryota Suzuki
- Taiju Oki: Makoto Furukawa
- Yuzuriha Ogawa: Kana Ichinose
- Kohaku: Manami Numakura
- Chrome: Gen Sato