The Japanese manga series Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included, created by Matoba and currently serialized in Monthly Shonen Gangan, has officially announced that it will be adapted into an anime series. Along with this announcement, the series' first trailer and visual have been released, providing information about the production team and the cast of voice actors. However, the specific broadcast date has not been disclosed yet.
Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included centers on Shintaro Tokumitsu, a high school student who lives by himself. One fateful day, he stumbles upon a girl named Towa sleeping on his balcony. Her innocence, charm, and a hint of naivety leave no doubt about her kind-hearted nature. However, it later becomes clear that her true identity is that of an "angel". Together, they embark on a sweet and pure life of solitude without a defined purpose. As Shintaro and this pure-hearted angel form a profound emotional bond, their lives become intertwined with the arrival of more special girls, each with their own unique reasons. This heartwarming romantic comedy unfolds as a first-year high school boy and an innocent angel share a living space.
- Original creator: matoba
- Director: Kenta Onishi
- Series composition: Shougo Yasukawa
- Character designs: Yuya Uetake
- Music composition: Shunsuke Takizawa
- Studio: Okuruto Noboru
- Shintaro Tokumitsu: Shuichirou Umeda
- Towa: Hikaru Tohno