It was officially announced today that the Japanese manga Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete ("Gushing over Magical Girls"), created by Akihiro Ononaka, will be adapted into a TV anime. However, detailed information such as the voice actor lineup, production team, and broadcast date has not been announced yet and fans will have to remain patient for further official updates.
The story of Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete describes a world where magical girls actually exist. The female protagonist, Utene Hiiragi, who is in the second year of junior high school, hopes to become a magical girl. One day, she unexpectedly meets a creature resembling a mascot, who promises to grant her the ability to transform into a magical girl. However, it turns out that she is instead converted into a female executive of an evil organization in opposition to the magical girls. During the battles with magical girls, she surprisingy finds herself becoming extremely excited when she sees them in pain, during which her hidden sadistic tendencies are awoken.