
Daedalic issues public apology amidst growing criticism of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum's poor experience

Daedalic issues public apology amidst growing criticism of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum's poor experience

The stealth action-adventure game The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, developed by Daedalic Entertainment, was recently released, but it has received overwhelmingly poor reviews. The majority of players have given negative feedbacks, highlighting issues such as poor optimization, lackluster content, rough character models and textures, and unsatisfactory stealth gameplay. In fact, famous gaming media Gamespot have even given it a remarkably low score of 2/10 ....

Amidst the growing public criticism, the game developer recently issued an announcement, apologizing for not meeting the players' expectations regarding the game's quality. They also pledged to gather feedback and address the issues raised by players, committing to rectifying and enhancing the overall gaming experience.


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