在今天早上,游戏科学 GameScience 团队上线了全新的官方预告网站,分为六个时间段公开不同的实机画面,并在最后宣布预定 8 月 20 日早上 10 点公开全新内容情报,大家可以调好闹钟起床看看!
本作《黑神话:悟空》是一款以《西游记》为背景的动作 RPG 游戏,玩家将会扮演齐天大圣孙悟空展开一系列的冒险和战斗!
Gamicsoft is a tech company that promotes e-sport and gaming culture. We keep gamers updated with all the most relevant information from PC games, console games, mobile games, e-sport, anime, and more. Besides that, our forum provides a social community to enable gamers to exchange experiences. We strive to continuously experiment, explore, and build a culture of collaboration.
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