
Let Me Solo Them has helped 5,000 players in defeating the Elden Beast in Elden Ring!

Let Me Solo Them has helped 5,000 players in defeating the Elden Beast in Elden Ring!

Last year in Elden Ring, there was a player known as "Let Me Solo Her", renowned for consistently helping other players in challenging Malenia through online co-op, earning respect within the player community and even receiving a specially crafted thank-you gift from the developer.

Inspired by this, another player has taken up a similarly noble cause under the name "Let Me Solo Them", but instead of challenging Malenia, they are taking on another high-difficulty boss — Radagon & Elden Beast!

Let Me Solo Them recently shared on Reddit that she has successfully helped 5,000 players defeat the formidable final boss, expressing gratitude to the players who had summoned her. However, she mentioned that she have decided to take a temporary break. Nevertheless, such actions contribute to a positive gaming community, and it's possible that in the future, more players will spontaneously step up as the next hero in the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC!


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