Following its two seasons of anime adaptation, the Japanese manga series The Duke of Death and His Maid, created by Koharu Inoue, recently announced the production of its third season, which was confirmed at the end of season 2's final episode.
Season 3 is expected to begin airing in 2024. Additionally, the official statement also mentioned that the anime will continue production until the conclusion of the original work, while J.C.STAFF remains responsible for the anime's production.
The Duke of Death and His Maid describes a young duke who was cursed to kill everyone that he touches. After being isolated from his family, he could only live with his maid Alice who serves him. The two share a heart-wrenching love, but they cannot touch each other because of the curse. The manga is being serialized online on Shokakukan’s Sunday Webry website.
- Original creator: Koharu Inoue
- Director: Yoshinobu Yamakawa
- Series composition: Hideki Shirane
- Character designs: Mitsuru Kuwabata
- Studio: J.C.STAFF
- Duke of Death: Natsuki Hanae
- Alice: Ayumi Mano
- Rob: Hochu Otsuka
- Viola: Inori Minase
- Cuff: Wakana Kuramochi
- Zain: Hiroshi Kamiya
- Walter: Yuuma Uchida