Hell's Paradise takes place in the late Edo period, where the strongest ninja, Gabimaru, is arrested and sentenced to death by the shogunate due to a betrayal by his fellow ninja. Despite numerous attempts, nothing seems to be able to kill Gabimaru due to his superhuman body. The executioner, Yamada Asaemon Sagiri offers Gabimaru a chance at freedom in exchange for him embarking on a mission to find the elixir of immortality on a mysteriousr realm known as Shinsenkyo.
Gabimaru, who wishes to reunite with his beloved wife, accepts the offer and sets out on the journey to the island, only to find that it is inhabited by various groups of dangerous criminals, who are also searching for the elixir. Gabimaru finds himself in a race against time, battling other prisoners and supernatural creatures on the island, to find the elixir and fulfill his mission.
- Original Creator: Yuuji Kaku
- Director: Kaori Makita
- Series Composition: Akira Kindaichi
- Character Design: Akitsugu Hisagi
- Studio: MAPPA
- Gabimaru: Chiaki Kobayashi
- Yamada Asaemon Sagiri: Yumiri Hanamori
- Yuzuriha: Rie Takahashi:
- Aza Choubei: Ryouhei Kimura
- Tamiya Gantetsusai: Tetsu Inada
- Yamada Asaemon Touma: Kensho Ono
- Yamada Asaemon Fuchi: Aoi Ichikawa