
Popular streamers Shroud and Sacriel will join Splash Damage in AAA game production

Popular streamers Shroud and Sacriel will join Splash Damage in AAA game production

Recently, London-based game developer Splash Damage announced that they will be partnering with well-known international streamers Shroud and Sacriel to develop a AAA open-world survival game called Project Astrid. However, no platform, release date, or other details have been announced yet.

Splash Damage previously developed the Quake 3 Fortress mode for Quake III Arena, and later participated in the development of titles such as Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Batman: Arkham Origins, Brink, Gears of War, and so on. Today, Splash Damage is one of the game development studios that has been acquired by Tencent.

Although there are no detailed gameplay or visual introductions for Project Astrid yet, the Splash Damage team has stated that the addition of popular streamers Shroud and Sacriel as core members will help provide unique insights and create a game that resonates deeply with players.


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