The horror-puzzle game series Little Nightmares, developed by Tarsier Studios, has successfully sold over 12 million copies globally, as announced by publisher Bandai Namco who thanked players for their support. The series have been released on various platforms, including Playstation, Xbox, and PC.
The first installment of Little Nightmares was released in 2017. The story follows Six who is trapped on a vessel called The Maw, which is filled with various terrifying monsters, leading to an adventure of escape. In 2021, the game released its sequel, Little Nightmares II, where players assume the role of a little boy named Mono who meets with Six, and together they try to uncover the dark secrets of the game's world.
Apart from the two main games, the series also released a mobile spin-off game called Very Little Nightmares which allows players to learn more about Six's past. The game was developed by Alike Studio, the team behind Love You to Bits.