The Japanese manga series The Foolish Angel Dances with Demons (Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru), created by Sawayoshi Azuma and serialized in Dengeki Maoh, has officially announced its TV anime adaptation, but information regarding the production team, voice casts, and broadcast date are yet to be revealed. Meanwhile, a commemorative illustration has been released in celebration of the announcement.
The Foolish Angel Dances with Demons tells the story of Akutsu Masatora, who is tasked with finding someone with idol-like qualities in the human world to boost the morale of demons in the face of a crisis. He enrolls in a school as a transfer student and discovers a beautiful girl called Lily Amane, who possesses the qualities he's looking for. However, it turns out that Amane is in fact a natural enemy of demons - an angel! Thus begins the romantic comedy between the shameless angel and the foolish demon.