
FF7 Rebirth is under accelerated development, and FF9 Remake may be announced this year?

FF7 Rebirth is under accelerated development, and FF9 Remake may be announced this year?

On the first day of 2023, the entire staff of the "Final Fantasy" series sent blessings to the players.

The producer Yoshino Kitase also revealed that the development of "Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth" is currently being accelerated. At the same time, he also said that an important news unrelated to "Final Fantasy 7" will be announced, but it cannot be said for the time being, and he guarantees that 2023 will become Most exciting year so far.

Important news that the producer said was "not related to Final Fantasy 7",It may be the game leaked by GeForce Now in 2021, including Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster, Final Fantasy 9 Remake, etc., but the exact news is still pending official announcement prevail.


Source: VGC


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