The fantasy novel series Yatagarasu, created by the Japanese light novel author Chisato Abe, officially announced that its second volume, Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai ("A Raven Does Not Choose its Master"), will be adapted into a TV anime. The anime is scheduled to begin airing in April 2024, but detailed information about the production team and voice cast has not been released at this time.
Chisato Abe gained recognition in 2012 when she won the Matsumoto Seicho Award for her debut work, Karasu ni Hitoe wa Niawanai, at the young age of 20, becoming the youngest recipient in the history of that award. This upcoming anime adaptation is based on her second work in the Yatagarasu series, titled Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai.
The story of Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai unfolds in northern territories of the world named "Yamauchi", where Yukiya, the dull-witted second son of a local noble family, becomes the attendant to the next ruler due to a certain incident and is summoned to the palace. The young lord he serves, despite his handsome appearance, has an extremely sharp tongue and a self-willed personality. As his attendant, Yukiya often has to carry out incomprehensible orders.
Since the young lord has replaced his brother as the designated next ruler, he is constantly in danger of assassination. With the development of the young lord's assassination plot, the power struggles within the palace become increasingly intricate.