
Kinnikuman anime celebrates its 40th Anniversary, announces new anime project

Kinnikuman anime celebrates its 40th Anniversary, announces new anime project

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the anime adaptation of manga series Kinnikuman created by Japanese manga artist Yudetamago. To commemorate this milestone, the official announcement has been made for a brand-new anime adaptation, along with the release of the official promotional visual. However, details such as the voice cast and broadcast date have not been announced yet. Fans will have to wait for further updates from official sources.

Kinnikuman is set in modern-day Japan and depicts a world where superhuman beings exist, who fight and wrestle against each other in the ring. The story follows the struggles of Kinnikuman (real name Suguru Kinniku), a second-rate superhero living in Japan, as he fights against a series of enemies such as monsters, brutal superhumans, demon superhumans, and perfect superhumans. The main character embodies the themes of effort, friendship, victory, and perseverance, as he strives to become the strongest man in the world of superhuman wrestling.


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