Created by Japanese manga artist Reiji Miyajima, season 3 of the TV anime adaptation of the romantic manga Kanojo, Okarishimasu ("Rent-A-Girlfriend"), is set to premiere in July 2023. The official trailer has also been released, unveiling the new "girlfriend" Mini Yaemori (CV: Yu Serizawa), who is a cosplayer and online streamer, at the same also a junior at the same university as Kazuya and the others.
The story of Kanojo, Okarishimasu follows college student Kazuya Kinoshita, who was dumped by his girlfriend Mami Nanami after dating for only a month. Feeling heartbroken and desperate, Kazuya turned to a rental girlfriend service and rented Chizuru Mizuhara for a day. However, because Chizuru was too perfect during their date, Kazuya decided to give her a low rating. It angered Chizuru, who then berated Kazuya on their second date.
During their date, Kazuya's grandmother suddenly fell ill. To fulfill his grandmother's wish of him finding a decent partner, Kazuya lied and saaid that Chizuru was his girlfriend. As Kazuya tried to move on from his heartbreak and face his college life, he discovered that Chizuru was his classmate and also lived in the same apartment building. This has lead to a complicated relationship between the two.
- Original by: Reiji Miyajima
- Directed by: Shinya Une
- Written by: Mitsutake Hirota
- Character designed by: Kanna Hirayama
- Studio: TMS Entertainment
- Kazuya Kinoshita: Shun Horie
- Chizuru Mizuhara: Sora Amamiya
- Mami Nanami: Aoi Yuki
- Ruka Sarashina: Nao Toyama
- Sumi Sakurasawa: Rie Takahashi
- Mini Yaemori: Yu Serizawa