The light novel series Ascendance of a Bookworm, written by Miya Kazuki, recently announced that TV anime adaptation of the third part of the series, Adopted Daughter of an Archduke. The animation studio has changed from Ajia-do Animation Works, which worked on the previous seasons, to WIT STUDIO.
According to J-Novel Club's synopsis of Part 3,
Following a disastrous encounter with a noble, Myne finally resolves to say goodbye to her family and friends in the lower city, changing her name to Rozemyne and beginning her new life as the adopted daughter of Ehrenfest’s archduke. However, her days as an archnoble in noble society are brutal, as she is put through rigorous etiquette and magic training on top of her duties as High Bishop and forewoman. It all proves too much for a weak little seven-year-old girl… Or it would have, had the High Priest not offered her the keys to the temple’s book room as a reward. If she could get her hands on those, she’d be able to read all sorts of precious books! Her name may have changed, but Rozemyne’s passion for books remains the same as she charges into awhole new world! The detailed setting expands as the printing industry grows in size. Here begins Part 3 of this biblio-fantasy for book lovers everywhere!”
- Original creator: Miya Kazuki
- Studio: WIT STUDIO
- Myne: Yuka Iguchi
- Ferdinand: Show Hayami
- Sylvester: Kazuhiko Inoue
- Wilfried: Yuka Terasaki
- Charlotte: Kaede Hondo