
Video game adaptation of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre will drop on August 18

Video game adaptation of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre will drop on August 18

Gun. & Sumo Digital recently announced that their upcoming video game adaptation of the horror movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre will be released on August 18. The game will be available on Playstation 4 / Playstation 5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X&S / PC and will be launched as part of the Xbox Game Pass lineup. Additionally, a technical test is scheduled for May 25.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an asymmetric competitive survival horror game based on the iconic horror movie of the same name from 1974. Players will experience the madness and terror of the game by taking on the role of one of the infamous killers or victims. Those who play as the killer will engage in a series of massacres, while those who play as the victim will try to escape and avoid being killed.


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