
Ride A Dinosaur and Get a New Weapon in PUBG MOBILE’s New Royale Pass Ace

Ride A Dinosaur and Get a New Weapon in PUBG MOBILE’s New Royale  Pass Ace

Dinosaurs are coming to PUBG MOBILE! That’s right, game publisher Level Infinite has revealed a brand new Royale Pass, PUBG Mobile’s version of the battle pass. The new Royale Pass comes not only with new cosmetics, but also a new customizable outfit and melee weapon.

The new Royale Pass, called Royale Pass Ace, is an upgrade to  PUBG MOBILE’s classic RP and is launching together with the new dinosaur themed update. The Royale Pass Ace or RPA will include a new outfit that changes color based on the player’s liking and a new sword weapon. Just like the new outfit, the new melee machete weapon also changes visually, again depending on player preferences, adding new effects and elements once you hit the required milestones.

Another  feature of the Royale Pass Ace though is the new dinosaur skin for vehicles which comes free via pre-order. RPA’s dinosaur skin freebie will be usable once the dinosaur-update arrives in PUBG MOBILE in the coming weeks. Royale Pass Ace is also now available for pre-order in the PUBG MOBILE in-game store.


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