
Zoids × Monster Hunter anniversary collaboration Zoids revealed!

Zoids × Monster Hunter anniversary collaboration Zoids revealed!

Japanese toy company Takara Tomy has announced a crossover collaboration between its Zoids series and CAPCOM's Monster Hunter series, in celebration of the 40th and 20th anniversaries of both franchises respectively. Two new anniversary-themed Zoids will be released as part of this special collaboration.

These two include the fusion of Sonic Bird with Rathalos, named "ソニックバード レウス" (lit. "Sonic Bird Rathalos"), and the combination of Beast Liger with Magnamalo, known as "ビーストライガー 禍鎧" (lit. "Beast Liger Calamity Armor"). The pre-sale for these collaborative Zoids will commence on January 12.


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