The Japanese manga series Ojo to Banken-kun ("A Girl & Her Guard Dog") by Hatsuharu is set to be adapted into a TV anime, as announced a while ago. Recently, at the Anime Japan 2023 event, the official team released the anime's trailer, key visual, production team, and voice cast information. The anime is confirmed to be produced by Project No. 9 and is scheduled to air in October 2023.
Ojo to Banken-kun follows Isaku, who was adopted by the head of a Yakuza organization, and became his granddaughter after her parents died in an accident. She has been secretly in love with her protector and childhood friend, the yakuza lieutenant, Keiya Uto, for over ten years. However, due to her identity, she was ostracized by her classmates when she was young, and she wants to experience a "normal" romance. Therefore, she decides to enroll in a distant high school. Unexpectedly, Keiya also enrolls in the same school, disguised as a high school student in order to protect her as her childhood friend and prevent her from falling into the hands of other bad guys.
- Directed by: Yoshihiro Takamoto
- Series composed by: Aya Satsuki
- Characters designed by: Yukiko Ban
- Studio: Project No.9
- Isaku Senagaki: Akaki Kito
- Keiya Uto: Yuichiro Umehara