The manga series Giji Harem ("Pseudo Harem"), created by Japanese manga artist Yu Saito, was first posted as a webcomic on his personal Twitter account before being serialized in Monthly Shonen Sunday. It was recently announced that the manga will be adapted into a TV anime series. However, details about the production team have not been released yet, except for confirmation that the male protagonist, Eiji Kitahama, will be voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto, while the female protagonist, Rin Nanakura, will be voiced by Saori Hayami.
The story of Giji Harem revolves around Rin Nanakura, a member of the drama club, who wants her crush, Eiji Kitahama, to experience what it feels like to be in a harem. To achieve this, she engages in a romantic story with him while playing different characters with different personalities, including tsundere, devilish, and cool types. Will Eiji notice Rin's true feelings behind her splendid acting skills?
- to be announced
- Eiji Kitahama: Nobuhiko Okamoto
- Rin Nanakura: Saori Hayami