
Mobile game Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis set for September 7 launch!

Mobile game Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis set for September 7 launch!

The standalone mobile game Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis, a spin-off from the Final Fantasy VII series under Square Enix, has recently announced its official launch date on September 7. The game will be available on both iOS and Android, and pre-registration for both platforms is now open.

Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis is a chapter-based standalone RPG mobile game that encompasses the entire timeline of Final Fantasy VII, including the main storyline and all its spin-off works. As a result, players can delve into the game to gain a comprehensive understanding of the game's worldview, story, and background.

According to a previous interview with creative director Tetsuya Nomura, all chapters released in Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis are accessible for free, with an estimated total of aruond 10 chapters, but three of them will feature stories outside of Midgar.

Additionally, the game will feature original chapters that delve into the events that took place 30 years before the main storyline, during the founding era of SOLDIER. Many characters will make their appearance in their younger selves, and the game will also explore the upper echelons of SOLDIER.

While the chapters in the game are free-to-play, there will still be paid content such as gacha systems and the introduction of new exclusive costumes and appearances for Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis.

Furthermore, the game reportedly places great importance on maintaining the original image. As a result, the characters are presented in a chibi style when exploring the map, but will revert back into their normal proportions during battles. The combat system has also been designed to meet the strict standards set by Tetsuya Nomura, ensuring a high-quality and enjoyable experience for players, while allowing them to easily engage with various stories of the Final Fantasy VII series.



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