The popular Japanese manga series Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru ("If My Wife Became an Elementary School Student") created by Yayu Murata, was adapted into a live-action TV drama last year (highly recommended for everyone to watch), and it has now been announced that an animated TV series is also in the works. However, information regarding the production team, voice actors, and broadcast date has not yet been released, so we will have to wait for further official announcements.
If My Wife Became an Elementary School Student tells the story of Keisuke Niijima and his daughter Mai, who have been in a slump since the death of Keisuke's wife, Takae, ten years ago. One day, a young girl named Marika Shiraishi visits the Niijima family, claiming to be Takae reincarnated. This encounter sparks a renewed relationship between the Niijima family and Takae's past life. However, Marika and her current mother seem to have their own family issues to deal with.