
More information on Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail's new Job and other upcoming features revealed!

More information on Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail's new Job and other upcoming features revealed!

At the recent Final Fantasy Fan Fest event held in London, Square Enix officially unveiled a wealth of new content related to Final Fantasy 14, including news about the new Job in Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail, a collaboration with Final Fantasy 16, and a crossover with Fall Guys.

The new Job introduced in the 7.0 expansion Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail is "Viper", a melee Job capable of wielding dual blades and possesses the unique ability to combine two swords into a two-handed weapon.

In addition to the new Job, the expansion will bring various new content, including a new main city "Tuliyollal", new areas "Kozama’uka" & "Shaaloani", a new alliance faction called "Moblins", a formidable new enemy known as the "Eliminator", a new Alliance Raid called "Echoes of Vana'diel", new specializations, equipment, an increased level cap (up to level 100), and other features. More details will be unveiled at the Tokyo Fan Festival in January 2024.

Furthermore, the official announcement revealed that the collaboration event between Final Fantasy 14 and Fall Guys is set to launch on October 31 as part of the 6.51 update. This event will support gameplay of up to 24 players at the same time.

On the other hand, details of the collaboration between Final Fantasy 14 and Final Fantasy 16 were unveiled, featuring new abilities, Clive's outfir, the Torgal mount, and more. However, the release date for thes collaboration is not unveiled yet but is expected to be introduced in the 6.5X update.


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