
River City: Rival Showdown shares gameplay introduction trailer!

River City: Rival Showdown shares gameplay introduction trailer!
Developer APlus Games and publisher Arc System Works have released a game introduction trailer for their upcoming game River City: Rival Showdown today. The trailer showcases information related to combat, costumes, online gameplay, and the game's plot. River City: Rival Showdown is scheduled to be released on October 12, 2023, and will be available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
River City: Rival Showdown is the modern version of the 1989 classic River City Ransom. The game not only improves controls and graphics but also adds online multiplayer features, allowing players to experience the world of the River City series with friends. Furthermore, the game will feature different endings based on the player's actions. Join our protagonist, Kunio, as he freely explores River City and unravels various events.


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