Developed by Omega Force and published by Koei Tecmo, the ARPG Fate/Samurai Remnant, initially released in September 2023, is set to roll out its first DLC "Record’s Fragment: Keian Command Championship" in February 2024. Furthermore, the publisher has also revealed that the second and third DLC are both scheduled to be unveiled throughout 2024.
According to the game's official description,
The battle over the Waxing Moon which could grant any and all wishes — the Waxing Moon Ritual. The seven individuals seeking their wish, or Masters, are the bearers of the Ritual. The seven Heroic Spirits, or Servants, are summoned to this world by their Masters. The curtain rises on the battle between the seven Masters with their seven Servants.
Traverse the city of Edo and become victorious in the Waxing Moon Ritual. Fight, explore, converse... Many elements are deeply intertwined in this action RPG!