
First-person horror adventure Killer Frequency unveils new trailer, set to launch on June 2

First-person horror adventure Killer Frequency unveils new trailer, set to launch on June 2

What does it feel like to be a radio DJ in the 80s? The first-person horror adventure game Killer Frequency developed and published by Team17 Digital released a trailer today, announcing that the game is scheduled to be released on June 2 for Playstation 4 / Playstation 5 / Xbox Series / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch / PC.

Killer Frequency is a first-person horror adventure game where players assume the role of a radio DJ working the night shift at KFAM broadcast station in Gallows Creek, Midwest USA. After receiving a phone call from someone claiming to have uncovered something terrifying, the events that unfold will completely change the player's life... Will it be a silent night or a deadly one? Or will there be bloodcurdling screams broadcasted through the frequency? It's up to the player to solve the mysteries and find out.


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