
Wind Breaker unveils first trailer, airing in April 2024

Wind Breaker unveils first trailer, airing in April 2024
The shonen manga series Wind Breaker, created by Nii Satoru, has recently released the first teaser trailer for its upcoming TV anime adaptation, along with details about the production team. The anime is scheduled to premiere in April 2024, with CloverWorks in charge of the production.
The story of Wind Breaker follows a high school freshman named Haruka Sakura, who aims to fight his way to the top at the infamous delinquent school, Furin High School. Upon his arrival, he discovers that the high school doubles as a group of town protectors. As a member of Furin, Haru Sakura fights to protect the town.


  • Original creator: Satoru Nii
  • Director: Toshifumi Akai
  • Series composition: Hiroshi Seko
  • Character designs: Taishi Kawakami
  • Music composition: Ryou Takahashi 
  • Studio: CloverWorks


  • Haruka Sakura: Yuma Uchida
  • Akihiko Nirei: Shouya Chiba
  • Kyoutaro Sugishita: Koki Uchiyama
  • Hayato Suou: Nobunaga Shimazaki
  • Hajime Umemiya: Yuichi Nakamura
  • Touma Hiragi: Ryouta Suzuki


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