Originally written by Konao Menrui and illustrated by Yoshitake, the light novel series Isekai Onsen Paradise has released an official trailer for its upcoming short-form TV anime adaptation, which is set to premiere in Japan on January 12 at midnight. The anime's uncensored version ("yugenashi") will be released on AnimeFesta.
According to MyAnimeList's description of the anime,
Yoshizou Yukawa is a passionate hot springs enthusiast—a hot springs hunter who was able to sniff out the source of springs. One day, while searching for a hidden hot spring to revitalize a town, he slips off a cliff and dies. He is then reincarnated into another world by an Inari deity of a small shrine hidden in the rocks. Yoshizou is joined by Inari's messenger princess, Mayudama. The hot spring hunter within Yoshizou is stirred right away, as he takes a bath with Mayudama in the hot spring he just discovered. Then, an elf girl appears...
- Original Author: Konao Menrui
- Original Illustrations: Yoshitake
- Director: Tomonori Mine
- Series Composition: Youhei Kashii
- Character Designs: Minori Homura
- Studio: BloomZ & Wolfsbane
- Yoshizou Yukawa: Shouhei Tokiwa
- Mayudama: Marie Miyake
- Lilium: Ria Koito (VTuber Mikeneko)
- Ohendeku: Kyoko Kuramochi (VTuber)
- Ruirui: Akari Miyazaki
- Komachi: Mariko Miyase