The Japanese manga series Tying the Knot With an Amagami Sister (Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi) by Marcey Naito, also serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine, has announced the decision to adapt the series into a TV anime during the recent "LIVEPARTY" Q&A program held to commemorate the second anniversary of the manga's serialization. However, details such as the production staff, voice cast, and broadcast date have not yet been announced.
The plot of Tying the Knot With an Amagami Sister revolves around Uryu Kamihate, who lost his mother at a young age. Treated as a burden by his relatives, he eventually grew up in a child care facility, with the goal of attending the medical school at Kyoto University. Later, he was adopted by his distant relatives from the Amagami Shrine, with the condition of marrying one of the head priest's three granddaughters and inheriting the shrine. The love story woven between Uryu Kamihate and the shrine maidens hence begins!