Idol Showdown, a 2D fighting game developed by Besto Games Team based on the popular Vtuber idol group Hololive, has hit Steam on May 6. Within just three days, the game scored over 200,000 downloads and had more than 10,000 people watching.
The developers stated that they had wanted to make a game that fans would love, and with Idol Showdoown which allows even players who don't know anything about Hololive to have a blast playing, they have finally fulfilled that dream.
In Idol Showdown, players can play as members from Hololive such as Tokino Sora, Shirakami Fubuki, Inugami Korone, Nakiri Ayame, Shishiro Botan, Hoshimachi Suisei, Aki Rosenthal, Kiryu Coco, and more. Each character not only has regular attacks but also special moves, and what's more interesting is that their skills and the game's backgrounds will feature various memes, for example Suisei's famous golden axe.