The TV anime adaptation of the romantic manga series A Sign of Affection created by suu Morishita has released its second trailer today, unveiling information about the anime's theme song and additional voice cast. The opening theme "Yuki no Oto" is performed by Novelbright, while the ending theme "snowspring" is performed by ChoQMay. The animation will be produced by Asia-Do and is scheduled to begin airing on January 6, 2024.
The story of A Sign of Affection revolves around Yuki Itose, a university student who has been hearing-impaired since birth and has since led a life filled with silence. She has live in the same palce for her entire life and rarely engages with others, except for her best friend, Rin Fujishiro. One day, during her daily commute, she encounters Itsuomi Nagi, a silver-haired individual who is fluent in multiple languages and happens to be a mutual friend of Rin's. Itsuomi stands out from others as he is unwavered upon learning of Yuki's hearing impairment, which fascinates and deeply touches her, especially considering his experiences abroad. As they part ways, Yuki's affection for Itsuomi begins to blossom. A whole new world begins to unfold for both Yuki and Itsuomi as they gradually discover and appreciate the unique aspects of each other's lives.
- Original creator: suu Morishita
- Director: Yuuta Murano
- Series composition: Youko Yonaiyama
- Character designs: Kasumi Sakai
- Music composition: Yukari Hashimoto
- Studio: Ajia-do Animation Works
- Yuki Itose: Sumire Morohoshi
- Itsuomi Nagi: Yuu Miyazaki
- Oshi Ashioki: Takeo Ootsuka
- Kyouya Nagi: Ryouta Oosaka
- Rin Fujishiro: Kaede Hondo
- Emma Nakazono: Nao Touyama
- Shin Iryuu: Tasuku Hatanaka