
Goat Simulator 3 Ad Uses Leaked GTA 6 Footage, Gets Quickly Taken Down by Take-Two!

Goat Simulator 3 Ad Uses Leaked GTA 6 Footage, Gets Quickly Taken Down by Take-Two!

Recently, Goat Simulator 3 used a leaked GTA 6 clip in an advertisement, which was quickly taken down by Take-Two.In the ad video, an NPC is interviewing, which mentions that he is preparing for an open world game, and says that everyone may have seen his face a few months ago, and then cuts into the previously leaked GTA 6 clip.

It's not quite right, but the Goat Simulator 3 team really likes to do all kinds of spoofs, such as spoofing Dead Island 2 earlier. Did you think they would apologize after the video was taken down? not at all.The official soon posted a meme saying: I'm in danger


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