The Japanese manga series Chained Soldier, with Takahiro as the original creator and Yohei Takemura as the artist, will be adapted into a TV anime. The new visual image for the show was revealed during the AnimeJapan 2023 event. Initially planned to air in 2023, the anime will now air in January 2024, with Seven Arcs serving as the production team.
In Chained Soldier, the opening of gates to a different dimension called Mato causes monsters known as Shuuki to attack humans on Earth. The portals contain a resource called "Peach", which grants women supernatural abilities upon consumption, resulting in a matriarchal society. Yuuki Wakura enters one of these gates and meets Kyouka Uzen, who has the power to control and ride Shuuki in combat. Cornered by Shuuki, Kyouka asks Yuuki to become her "slave", granting her access to his body for combat in exchange for an appropriate "reward". Yuuki joins Kyouka's squad to help her become the Supreme Commander and to uncover the secrets of Mato while fighting the Shuuki.
- Original by: Takahiro
- Directed by: Junji Nishimura (chief) & Goro Kuji
- Series composed by: Yasuhiro Nakanishi
- Characters designed by: Hiroyuki Yoshii
- Studio: Seven Arcs
- Yuuki Wakura: Yuya Hirose
- Kyouka Uzen: Akari Kito
- Himari Azuma: Yume Miyamoto
- Shushu Suruga: Mari Hino
- Nei Okawamura: Hina Tachibana
- Tenka Izumo: Maaya Uchida
- Yachiho Azuma: Nene Hieda
- Sahara Wakasa: Reina Ueda