The Japanese light novel series The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases, created by Shin Kozuki and illustrated by Chocoan, has recently announced a TV anime adaptation. The anime will be produced by Studio DEEN and Marvy Jack, with the main character, Allen, voiced by Shouta Aoi. Details such as the official broadcast date and other voice casts remain undisclosed as of yet.
The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases follows the tale of Allen, a young man who is shunned by his noble family for not receiving the divine blessings granted to others in their world. In this society, people are gifted with special abilities upon reaching adulthood, but Allen remains devoid of such powers, leading to his exile.
Seeking a life of tranquility and freedom, Allen retreats to a secluded land, hoping to escape the judgment and expectations of society. Little does anyone know that Allen carries within him the memories and abilities of his previous life as a hero. His journey to find peace is intertwined with the wisdom and powers of his heroic past, as he embraces a new path filled with unforeseen challenges and adventures.
- Originally written by: Shin Kozuki
- Illustrated by: Chocoan
- Directed by: Kazuomi Koga
- Series composed by: Rintaro Ikeda
- Characters designed by: Saori Hosoda
- Studio: Studio Deen & Marvy Jack
- Allen: Shouta Aoi