At the recent DIGIMON CON, Digimon Seekers was announced as the series' 25th anniversary project, which includes new merchandises and novel series.
It was announced that starting from April 3 this year, Digimon Seekers novel series will be published weekly in Japanese, English, and Simplified Chinese. It will feature a 19-year-old cracker called Eiji Nagasumi. His life will be turned upside-down after meeting with Professor Ryusenji of the Tokyo Cyber University, as the Digimon researcher entrusts him with a Digimon Linker and a Digimon called Loogamon.
The new merchandises include the aforementioned Digimon Linker armband and a BEMEMORY Digimon Seekers Loogamon DIM card, which will be released in May.
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