Recently in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime, Kento Nanami expressed his desire to visit Kuantan, Malaysia, where he dreams of building a house by the tranquil sea and leisurely flipping through stacks of books. This specific scene touched the hearts of many fans, bringing attention to Kuantan, Malaysia, and even drawing the interest of Malaysia Airlines.
According to reports from Oriental Daily and New Straits Times, the state government of Pahang, Malaysia, is attempting to contact Gege Akutami, the author of Jujutsu Kaisen, through relevant Japanese authorities. They hope to use this opportunity to boost tourism in Kuantan and gain the author's approval to transform the Kuantan beaches into a must-visit destination for anime enthusiasts worldwide. One idea is to establish a memorial museum for Nanami, but any decision would first require the author's consent.