
[TGS2023] Exclusive interview with Like a Dragon series producers: Will Haruka appear in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?

[TGS2023] Exclusive interview with Like a Dragon series producers: Will Haruka appear in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?

At this year's Tokyo Game Show, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has finally revealed the latest news about Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8), including its release date, storyline, and some system introductions. They also provided hands-on demos of both Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and Like a Dragon 7 Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name at the event.

Furthermore, at the event, we had the privilege of interviewing the producer, Masayoshi Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, and Ryosuke Horii, to delve into discussions about both of these highly anticipated titles.

Q: Will Kiryu's cancer ultimately result in his death?

A: In the game, Kiryu is not inclined to openly discuss his personal situation with others, so he typically wouldn't mention having cancer or his medical condition. As for whether this cancer is fatal, it's currently in an uncertain stage.

Q: Why was Hawaii chosen as the setting?

A: Hawaii was chosen as the setting because it's where Kasuga Ichiban's mother is located. In Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7), the storyline mentions that his mother is not in any part of Japan (she fled Japan). Moreover, in real life, Hawaii is a destination where many Japanese people travel to or even reside, making it a suitable backdrop.

Q: Why not choose Brazil then? Brazil also has a significant Japanese population, and it might add more dramatic elements to the story.

A: Well, the Philippines and Vietnam also have many Japanese residents. The choice of Hawaii certainly has other reasons behind it, but for now, we can't reveal them.

Q: Regarding the scale of the map in Hawaii, is it similar to past maps or even larger?

A: If we compare it to the previous title, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, it's roughly three times the size of Yokohama.

Q: The news about Kazuma Kiryu having cancer was first revealed in the trailer. Will the upcoming release of "Yakuza 7 Spinoff" address this matter?

A: The upcoming spin-off will not explore the narrative of Kiryu's cancer. In real life, people often remain unaware of their cancer diagnosis initially as well.

Q: Could you provide us with more information about the character played by Shinichi Tsutsumi in the game? He is not known for participating in yakuza-themed works, so could you share why he was invited to join Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?

A: The actor selection process was actually similar to Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and if we have to highlight something, it's his undeniable charisma. Furthermore, in reality, Shinichi Tsutsumi has indeed been part of yakuza-themed works; it's just that they might not be as widely recognized.

Q: Didn't the Tojo Clan disband already? Why are the main characters still dealing with numerous yakuzas?

A: In the game, the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance are just two of the larger organizations. However, besides these two groups, Japan has many other yakuza organizations. So even when an organization disbands, the remaining members often find it challenging to leave the world of organized crime entirely. In essence, these individuals tend to disperse into other organizations or start their own, which is why Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Yakuza 8)portrays the events that occur after the dissolution of these two major groups, as seen in Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7).

Q: After arriving in Hawaii, can players freely return to Yokohama, Japan?

A: Players cannot freely travel between the two locations because this game follows a storyline-driven approach. So, once you progress from Yokohama to Hawaii, you'll remain in Hawaii for the duration of the gameplay.

Q: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth seems to include almost all the characters from Yakuza: Like a Dragon, along with new characters from Hawaii. Does this increase the development complexity in terms of story and characters?

A: Not really. Each character's appearance is designed to serve the storyline. We first conceptualize the plot and then proceed to design the individual characters accordingly.

Q: How did the development team approach creating mini-games in Hawaii? It appears that replicating the same mini-games from the Japanese setting may not be feasible.

A: Well-known mini-games like karaoke and arcades can still be enjoyed in the Hawaii setting. However, on top of that, this game introduces elements that align with modern trends, such as dating apps and delivery services, which are all designed to fit the Hawaii backdrop.


Q: Will Korean and Chinese gangs continue to appear in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, and will there be a Chinatown in the game?

A: Chinatown will be featured in the game, but for the rest, please stay tuned as we can't reveal more details at the moment.

Q: When out of combat, can players only control Kasuga for exploration, or can they switch to Kiryu as well?

A: In this game, the player's ability to control characters will generally follow the storyline. For example, when the main plot focuses on Kasuga, you'll primarily control Kasuga, but there will also be situations where you control Kiryu.

Q: How many characters in total are available for combat in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?

A: All the characters featured on the game poster can participate in combat. They are all members of your team.

Q: Could you introduce the changes in the combat system and other aspects of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth? Are there any items or skills that incorporate the local Hawaiian flavor?

A: In the previous game, players utilized the "Hello Work" system to change jobs and acquire various job-related effects. However, since Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is set in Hawaii, a direct continuation of this system wasn't feasible. Therefore, it has been changed to a system where you learn new jobs through activities like surfing and other events related to the Hawaiian setting.

Q: Will Haruka Sawamura appear in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?

A: Didn't she appear in the trailer (Kiryu's dream) 😆 Hmmmmmm... While we can't give a direct answer, if you pay attention to another trailer, it’s mentioned that there will be a companion system related to combat, and it features some nostalgic characters from past games. We don't include characters in the game without a reason, so consider it as a hint. As for the exact reasons for their appearance, we can't reveal much more at this time.

Q: In Like a Dragon 7 Gaiden, do the five cabaret girls exclusively appear in live-action form, or are there also digitally modeled NPCs?

A: They are exclusively presented in live-action interactive form and are not depicted as digitally modeled NPCs in the game. 

Q: Considering that Yokohama and Hawaii are distinct maps, how are side quests handled? Will players lose access to Yokohama side quests once they travel to Hawaii, given the limited ability to return?

A: In the game's design, we've worked to minimize this issue. However, players will receive reminders at important junctures, reminding them that leaving may render some side quests unable to be completed. We advise players to address these tasks promptly.

Q: Will there be additional characters added to the arena in Like a Dragon 7 Gaiden?

A: In the late game, when players have progressed significantly and fulfilled various requirements, they will have unlocked most of the arena characters.

Q: As for the companions featured on the poster, will they all travel to Hawaii together, or will some remain in Japan?

A: The appearance of these companions in each location will follow the progression of the storyline. It's possible that some will stay in Japan while others go to Hawaii, but we can't provide a definitive answer.

Q: Kiryu's situation has sparked a lot of discussion among players, and many sympathize with his plight. However, some fans are angry about the inclusion of this particular plot. If this was a deliberate marketing strategy by the development team, I must say it was very effective. However, if Kiryu's condition is not addressed in the game, players might become even more upset. Has the development team considered this possibility?

A: In terms of the storyline, it's important not to interpret it as a mere internet meme. For Mr. Yokoyama, creating games is a reflection of his own life. Last year, he experienced the loss of his mother to cancer, and Kiryu's voice actor also has family members affected by cancer, going through complex and painful experiences. It's because of these real-life experiences, including those of loved ones and friends battling with illnesses, that we wanted to create a story background filled with hope and dreams. The inclusion of Kiryu's battle with cancer in the story was not done as a playful gimmick; it was a carefully considered narrative choice.

Q: Are the currencies in Hawaii and Japan the same in the game?

A: That's a great question, and it's something that was discussed extensively during the production process, as how to design the exchange rate presents its own challenge. In a more easily understandable context, it's primarily based on the US dollar, but that's not entirely realistic. So, the development team opted for an exchange rate that is closer to real-world conditions. Of course, exchange rate fluctuations are something we all consider daily, so we aim to provide a somewhat realistic exchange rate in the game. It's challenging because it involves predicting the exchange rate for the year 2024, and this setting presents difficulties for the development process. We need to consider the exchange rate for the six months following the game's release. However, there are players who may play the game after six months or even a year, and the exchange rate may have changed by then. Overall, setting the exchange rate is a challenging decision in the development process.

Q: Previously, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio held a “Cabaret Club Hostess Auditon” and the winner was supposed to appear as a character in "Yakuza 8." Will her appearance have a significant impact on the storyline?

A: To begin with, her role won't have a strong connection to the main storyline. However, you'll find her actively involved in the TGS event, and within the game, she will engage with the main characters in more of a "mascot girl" role. Nevertheless, her role won't play a pivotal part in the main storyline.

Q: In the previous title, Ichiban Kasuga can develop intimate relationships with many female characters, but there are consequences in the end. Will this type of content continue in this game’s Hawaiian setting?

A: The gameplay where Ichiban Kasuga can progress relationships with female characters, as seen in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, will also be present in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. However, we can't reveal at this time which female characters you can develop these relationships with. It will be similar to the previous game, where this interaction takes place within the context of side quests and subplots.

Q: Like a Dragon 7 Gaiden was recently announced for Xbox Game Pass. Does this mean there are similar plans for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?

A: There are no such plans as of yet. 


Messages from the producers:

Ryosuke Horii: Thank you all for your continuous love and support for the series. With Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, we approached its development with the mindset that it would be the Magnum Opus in the long-running Yakuza series. We have strong belief that it will live up to that standard. Throughout the development process, we've introduced some fresh and unique elements, and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth will offer even more of these fresh and unique experiences. So, I hope you all can look forward to the game. 

Also, there are many elements in the game that only Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio can provide to all of you. Whether it's the visuals in the game or the various gameplay experiences, we hope everyone will enjoy them. Furthermore, if you can play Like a Dragon 7 Gaiden first and then dive into Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, you'll get to enjoy a different gaming experience. So, we hope everyone can enjoy both of these games in sequence.

Masayoshi Yokoyama: In Like a Dragon 7 Gaiden, we've actually set it up in a way that even players who are new to the Yakuza series can easily pick up and enjoy it. It's essentially an entry-level game. The storyline of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth follows directly after Like a Dragon 7 Gaiden, thus we hope that after playing Like a Dragon 7 Gaiden and developing an interest in the entire series, including the story, you'll continue with Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Moreover, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth marks the first time in the series that we've added Chinese voice acting, which is something Chinese players can look forward to and enjoy. We hope that everyone will experience both of these games.

Hiroyuki Sakamoto: There won't be any additional story trailers released before or after the launch of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. However, during this time, we will release various short videos that will encourage everyone to speculate and draw connections, with the most significant hint being found in Like a Dragon 7 Gaiden. We hope that everyone will eagerly anticipate and enjoy playing both of these games. 


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