
Minecraft live-action film adaptation will premiere in April 2025, featuring Jason Momoa from Aquaman

Minecraft live-action film adaptation will premiere in April 2025, featuring Jason Momoa from Aquaman

According to Deadline, it is known that the live-action movie adaptation of Minecraft is scheduled to premiere on April 4, 2025, and will be directed by Jared Hess, who has worked on Napoleon Dynamite and The Masterminds. Jason Momoa, who played the protagonist in Aquaman, will also appear in the film.

In fact, Warner Bros. announced their plans for a live-action Minecraft movie as early as 2014, but it was unexpected that the projecct would actually come to fruition. However, there are still few details about the movie at the moment, and fans of Minecraft will have to wait for official announcements to see how the blocky characters and world will be presented in live-action form.


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