The highly popular manga series Frieren: Beyond Journey's End by Kanehito Yamada and illustrated by Tsukasa Abe has recently released its first PV and key visual, revealing that the anime adaptation is set to premiere in Fall 2023. The production team and voice casts of the anime adaptation was also announced, with MADHOUSE handling the animation, Keiichiro Saito serving as the director, and Atsumi Tanezaki voicing the protagonist Frieren.
The story of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End takes place after a group of heroes have defeated the Demon King. After a ten-years quest, Himmel the human hero, Eisen the dwarven warrior, Heiter the human priest, Frieren the elven mage returned triumphantly and were praised by the king. They happened to encounter a once-in-50-years meteor shower and made a promise to meet again in 50 years to watch it together. However, on the night that Frieren and her former companions were supposed to reunite, the death of her friends made the long-living Frelia realize the impermanence of life, and thus she began to explore the meaning of life.
- Original by: Kanehito Yamada, Tsukasa Abe
- Directed by: Keiichiro Saito
- Written by: Tomohiro Suzuki
- Character designed by: Reiko Nagasawa
- Studio: MADHOUSE
- Frieren: Atsumi Tanezaki